Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Storytelling Week 5 Trapped in a Cave

                                                                 Trapped in a Cave

Vali was confident, mean, and always ready to fight.  He looked down on everyone.  He did not have many friends because of this.  The only person he truly respected was himself.  Many viewed this as extemely pathetic.  When the buffalo demon challenged him to a fight, there was no way he was turning that down.  He always had to prove he was the best of the best.  He could never let someone else win the battle.  He had way too much pride for that.  As usual, Vali won the fight.  This was no surprise to anyone.  He slaughtered the buffalo demon and threw its corpse towards Rishyamuka hill.  He showed zero mercy for the buffalo demon.  He was simply dirt at the bottom of his shoe.  The corpse polluted the altar of the sage Matanga.  This was a huge mistake on Vali's part.  Vali was then cursed by Matanga because of this.  Matanga would never allow Vali to come near his house again.  In the future, this would become a major problem for Vali. 

Mayavi wanted revenge for his father's death and decided to challenge Vali to fight.  Once again, Vali was not going to pass up a fight.  He could kill Mayavi just like he did everyone else.  He got ready and then told Mayavi he was ready to beign fighting.  He chased Mayavi into a cave to finish him.  He then insisted Sugriva to wait outside for him.  Sugriva waited and waited and there was no sign of Vali.  He thought for sure Vali was dead so he sealed the cave shut.  He did not have a single worry.   

After the long battle, Vali was beyond ready to leave the cave.  That battle gave him quite the workout!  As he approached the exit, he noticed it was sealed shut.  He was extremely angry!  Vali was not a very forgiving man.  He had to think of an awful punishment for him.  He decided he would send Sugriva into exile.  Sugriva could not get away with this.  He thought of another way he could punish Sugriva.  Vali even decided he would keep his wife Ruma a prisoner as well.  Vali was evil for using this as his method of revenge.  But don't you worry, Vali will not get away with his actions for too much longer.  Little did he know, karma would come bite him in the butt soon enough. 


Authors Note:
I found Vali to be an interesting character so I decided to base my story on him.  I took this story from Buck's Ramayana and made it into my own.  

Buck, William, and Vālmīki. Ramayana:. Berkeley: U of California, 1976. Print.


  1. Hello Britney! I think that your story gave good insight on what Vali was feeling. I like how you included a couple of his personality traits and inner thoughts. When I read this story in the Ramayana, I was definitely dumbfounded by the fact that Sugriva just locked his brother in that cave without even going to check the status of Vali or worrying that his brother might actually be alive. But then when Vali came out of the cave and exiled Sugriva and took his wife as punishment, I realized how similar the brothers actually are. Nice job on your story!

  2. Hey Britney, I think the story you wrote really clears things up about Vali. I also liked how, even though its a short story, you added some even more depth to the characters. I remember being confused that Sugriva could sacrifice his brother so easily. Overall, great story. The imagery was very easy to envision in my head due to the use of descriptive words. Keep up the good work!

  3. Good morning Britney! Once again I found myself thoroughly enjoying one of your stories. This one has to be one of my personal favorites due to the imagery you used and also the whole karma bit. I feel as though the use of Karma at the end rapped the story up quite nicely. Also the battle scene with the buffalo demon was pretty intense; may have been on the edge of my seat while reading that paragraph. Keep up the good work!
